Your external facing privacy notice needs to be specific to your business and be supported by policies and procedures that ensure the notice is consistent with your internal data-handling practices. PRIVATECH’s high-quality templates will help you introduce and demonstrate privacy and data security best practices. These 25 sample documents can be easily customized for your organization. We are confident that if your organization handles personal information, you will find these templates extremely useful for maturing your privacy program!
Scroll to the bottom of this page to purchase all or contact us at info@privatech.com to purchase single templates for $50 each.
The Privacy Documentation Suite consists of the following 25 templates:
Annual Privacy Compliance Report for a Board of Directors: Chart format to report on metrics such as policies/procedures, breaches, sharing of personal information with service providers and responses to access requests.
Artificial Intelligence Use Policy: Rules and guidance for company representatives when implementing AI within the organization, as well as prohibited uses (inspiration from EU High Risk System Requirements in the EU Artificial Intelligence Act).
Bring-your-own-Device (BYOD) Policy: Acceptable uses, security framework and risks/responsibilities when using personal devices for work purposes. [SEE WATERMARKED SAMPLE]
Cookie Notice: Information for on-line and mobile visitors on data collected, used and shared by tracking and cookie technologies, including information on how to manage cookies.
Data Classification Policy: A comprehensive framework for classifying, handling and protecting data assets to support confidentiality, integrity and availability of data.
De-identification Guidelines: A step-by-step approach to de-identifying personal data using data reduction or data perturbation.
Disaster Recovery Play Policy: Requirements for a baseline disaster recovery plan to recover IT systems, applications and data.
Electronic Media Disposal Guidelines: Guidance for secure disposal of personal, sensitive or proprietary information captured on electronic storage media.
Email Etiquette Guidelines: Best practices for writing, sending and replying to e-mail messages to ensure professionalism and avoid miscommunication.
Extranet Policy: Rules for granting third party access to the company’s network to reduce the risk of compromising data security.
Internal Privacy Audit Guidelines: A comprehensive framework for the completion of an internal privacy audit from project initiation to data analysis to privacy analysis, and finally to the creation of a privacy audit report. Includes audit questions!
Internet and Email Acceptable Use Policy: Rules for employees when using e-mail and Internet services provided by the organization. Inbound email guidance includes avoiding phishing scams.
Laptop Deployment Guidelines: Guidance for the IT Department and Management when entrusting employees with company-issued laptops.
Laptop Security Policy: Rules for employees when using company-issued laptops (physical security and data protection practices).
Password Policy: Establishes a standard for the creation of strong passwords and the protection of those passwords. [SEE WATERMARKED SAMPLE]
Privacy Breach Response Procedure (and internal privacy breach report form): Steps for responding to a data breach including: 1) Containment, 2) Assessing risk (based on sensitivity of the data and probability of misuse), 3) Notification and reporting, 4) Breach recordkeeping, and 5) Prevention of future breaches.
Procedure for Safeguarding Personal Information: Day-to-day internal security controls that employees and contractors should be implementing.
Record Retention and Destruction Policy: A policy that addresses retention and disposal of records regardless of format, and includes a sample record retention schedule.
Remote Work Arrangements Procedure: Key considerations for remote work privacy and security expectations. [SEE WATERMARKED SAMPLE]
Simple Privacy Impact Assessment Form: Questionaire when introducing a new product or service to assess privacy risks.
Social Media Use Policy: Rules for using social media platforms during business hours to avoid legal risks and loss of productivity.
Supplemental Privacy Notice for California Consumers
Supplemental Privacy Notice for EU Residents
Supplier Privacy and Security Questionnaires: Privacy, security and artificial intelligence risk questionnaires for third parties being entrusted with personal information.
Video Surveillance Policy: Overt video surveillance policy for transparency regarding collection, use, disclosure, storage and retention of video footage that may capture personal information.
These resources are invaluable if you don’t already have any one of the above policies/procedures in place, or if it is time that your organization revisited any of this critical documentation. The documents have been designed in light of compliance obligations and privacy best practice in Canada and the United States.
Price: USD $695.00
Demonstrate your commitment to privacy, embrace transparent data handling practices, and guide your employees on safeguarding personal information now!
To receive all the templates (Word documents), ADD TO CART below and use any major credit card to download immediately.
To purchase only specific templates for $50 each, contact us.