Senior Counsel and Lead Consultant

Fazila Moosa, Founder of PRIVATECH, is a privacy and cybersecurity lawyer, consultant and trainer. She has a unique blend of legal, IT consulting and data governance experience, and services both the public and private sectors.

Driven by her passion to assist organizations create privacy conscious environments, Fazila advises businesses in North America in a range of industries on privacy and security best practices. Her clients include marketing firms, the insurance and health sectors, debt collectors, technology companies, retailers, the staffing industry, financial service providers, industry associations and non-profits. Fazila’s ability to lead engaging data strategy discussions and privacy training sessions is highly commended by PRIVATECH’s clients. By conducting detailed privacy assessments and gap analyses; developing strong data protection policies and procedures; and raising privacy awareness, Fazila has assisted many organizations reduce the risk of a privacy breach.

Prior to pursuing a career in law, Fazila worked with the United Nations in New York and various consulting firms, including Right Management Consultants and GSA Consulting Group Inc. Fazila designed data maps and customized data security procedures for clients globally.


Fazila’s legal experience began in the Information Technology Group at the law firm of Gowling Lafleur, Henderson LLP. She also worked with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada in 2000 before founding PRIVATECH in Canada. Fazila expanded PRIVATECH into the United States to support clients across North America, and thus advises on California’s privacy laws (CCPA and CPRA) as well as other state and sector specific data protection laws across the United States. Fazila has been recognized as a ‘Data Protection by Design’ Ambassador in the EU and has extensive working knowledge of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Fazila holds degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Waterloo and a Juris Doctor (law degree) from the University of Toronto. She is also a Certified Information and Privacy Professional as well as a Certified Information Privacy Manager with the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP). Fazila is an Official Training Partner of the IAPP, preparing individuals to achieve their CIPP and CIPM designations , as well as a Certified CSX (Cybersecurity) Professional with the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA).